Friday, August 1, 2008

Just putting some of my thoughts down...

I honestly don't think that anyone reads this; however I just really need to put down some thoughts and feelings. These last 3 or so days have been difficult for me, especially at night. I find it so easy to let the tears just pour out. I start to look at things so negatively and then as a result I think back on things and look at them negatively too (even though there is no reason to). A few months ago I was really struggling with things. It was getting closer to the end of the school year, which resulted in quite a bit of stress, and I was just having a really difficult time. I felt really lonely. This went on what seemed like pretty constantly for a few weeks. Shortly after this my principal approached me with some concern and I was seriously considering getting some help. Then it seemed like things got better for a while. Since then, there have been a bad day here and there, but nothing really constant. However, over the last couple days, I've been going back and thinking about that time. A lot of my concerns, fears, worries, thoughts, feelings, etc. from a few months ago just seem like they come rushing back and even combine with new ones. I'm really struggling with whether or not my feelings and emotions are a result of my circumstances or if there is a deeper issue. If there is a deeper issue, I'm sort of afraid about getting help. Or I'm worried that if I seek help, I'll be told my emotions aren't really valid and are just petty. I just wonder when I'm going to get out of this "funk." It's emotionally draining and I can see it affecting other parts of my life too. It's hard to be alone.

1 comment:

theknittels said...

Hi tabs! Stephen and I just started a joint blog, and we'll be following yours... if you update it that is, lol. It's been 2 months, girl!

I am struggling with the same thing you are. I look at my life very negatively, and it seems to be a rut that I can't get out of. And, like you, at night is when I feel the worst, because then I am still enough to think/worry/obsess over everything.

You and I are similar in that we have very high expectations for ourselves and we beat ourselves up.. a lot. We are a lot harder on ourselves than we ever need be, you probably know that.

I'm sure it would help if you talked to someone. They won't make you feel like crap, but they probably will want to dig around in your life and that is uncomfortable (this is my main objection to talking to someone).

Anyway, here is my arm around your shoulders all the way from Iowa to Oklahoma. If you ever want to talk/vent/cry, you can always shoot me an email/facebook message/etc.

Take care of yourself, and I'll be thinking about you.
