Monday, December 8, 2008

Birthday plans????

So my birthday is coming up in about 3 1/2 weeks, and I'd really like to do something for it. It may seem early to worry about making plans, but I leave a week from this coming Saturday for Minnesota and won't be back until 2 days before my birthday. I just really don't know what to do. I almost wish that I didn't have to do the planning, that someone else would throw a party for me. However, that is probably wishful thinking. Kate did mention a couple of months ago that another co-worker had mentioned to her about throwing a party for me, but I haven't heard anything else lately. It's just that my birthday tends to be "downer" and I really don't want it to be this year. Because it's a holiday, usually growing up it was spent with family. This is going to be the first year that I can think of that I'll be away from my family for it (except for the year I was in Europe, but that one was bad too because plans ended up not happening). Even last year I was still home for my birthday. I just don't want to end up spending the day by myself at my apartment. I guess I just need some inspiration and aknowledgement.

Monday, November 17, 2008

some more thoughts

So I'm currently reading a novel about a plus-size Christian women who starts to write a blog. I've felt inspired by this novel to start writing in my blog more. I'm going to start with an update on things that I mentioned in my last post.

Around the start of October, I finally had the courage to contact a counselor. I finally felt like I really needed to see someone to discuss my feelings. A few weeks later I meet with a Christian counselor for the first time. Most of my session was spent crying; however, it went very well. I'm meeting with her for the second time tomorrow. At the end of the session my counselor suggested that I definitely continue to counseling sessions. She also believes that I have dysthymia, which is a form of depression. Basically it's chronic depression; meaning that I've had the symptoms for many years, just not necessarily at a severe level. Once she told me about this and after doing more research on my own, it seemed like a good fit. I felt like there was finally something to explain all feelings and mood changes. I've since been put on an anti-depressant (for a little over a week now). I cannot tell a huge difference yet, but I did notice that this weekend when I felt kind of bummed, I didn't cry. That was a strange feeling for me.

Now onto another topic, school. The school year is now more than 3/8 of the way done. Six more school days until Thanksgiving break. I'm working on staying on top of things. Lately I feel like things just haven't been normal. The past few weeks have been filled with special projects and activities. Sometimes I worry that we're not accomplishing much or that things are too boring. I don't like feeling like the students aren't involved in the class at all. I'm just really trying to stay positive and focused. I also still have the tendency to wait until the last minute to do things. I don't plan very far ahead, at least not on paper. Usually I'll have some long term plans in my head, I just don't write them down.

Well that's all I'm going to write for now. Hopefully I'll write more again soon.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Just putting some of my thoughts down...

I honestly don't think that anyone reads this; however I just really need to put down some thoughts and feelings. These last 3 or so days have been difficult for me, especially at night. I find it so easy to let the tears just pour out. I start to look at things so negatively and then as a result I think back on things and look at them negatively too (even though there is no reason to). A few months ago I was really struggling with things. It was getting closer to the end of the school year, which resulted in quite a bit of stress, and I was just having a really difficult time. I felt really lonely. This went on what seemed like pretty constantly for a few weeks. Shortly after this my principal approached me with some concern and I was seriously considering getting some help. Then it seemed like things got better for a while. Since then, there have been a bad day here and there, but nothing really constant. However, over the last couple days, I've been going back and thinking about that time. A lot of my concerns, fears, worries, thoughts, feelings, etc. from a few months ago just seem like they come rushing back and even combine with new ones. I'm really struggling with whether or not my feelings and emotions are a result of my circumstances or if there is a deeper issue. If there is a deeper issue, I'm sort of afraid about getting help. Or I'm worried that if I seek help, I'll be told my emotions aren't really valid and are just petty. I just wonder when I'm going to get out of this "funk." It's emotionally draining and I can see it affecting other parts of my life too. It's hard to be alone.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm a trying

I'm really trying to stay optimistic. It's just so hard. I don't know what else to do.